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Ellen Mirro

Who was E.J. Siegrist?

We finished a Historic Structures Report commissioned by the Town of Concrete, WA, on the former office and laboratory building for the Superior Portland Cement Company. The reinforced concrete building (what else) was completed in 1923 and served the company and its successor, Lone Star, well until the plant was shut down in the late 1960s. The building has sadly fallen into a state of dereliction over the years primarily through failure of its roof allowing great quantities of Northwest moisture to enter the building.

Superior Portland Cement Company Office and Lab Building North facade.

Interior viewing northwest.

While researching the building, the company, and the town, we ran into a number of historic photographs taken by E.J. Siegrist. The quality of the views, mostly available on old “real photograph” postcards are stunning. Larry has spent several hours researching Siegrist, but hasn’t turned up much so far.

Siegrist had a jewelry shop in North Bend, WA around 1908, through 1909, when he moved to Concrete. Siegrist took a number of photographs of North Bend, Snolquamie Falls, and other scenes while in North Bend. We have a photograph of his shop in Concrete, and views he took around town, including photos of the cement plant, prior to the construction of the office and laboratory building. Many of his photographs list him as a jeweler and optician. His experience with lenses probably accounts for the quality of his photographs. He appears to have sold his business in 1917, disappearing from view so far. We’ll keep you posted if Larry’s research tracks down Mr. Siegrist.

Downtown Concrete viewing northwest ca. 1910.

Siegrist’s store and studio ca. 1910.

Concrete overview with Glacier Peak in background ca. 1915.

Viewing southwest toward Superior Portland Cement Company Plant ca. 1915.

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