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Ellen Mirro

Philadelphia area homes—Chestnut Hill

While in Philadelphia in May, Larry & Lani enjoyed touring residential neighborhoods in suburban Philadelphia. George Bryant, Architect and Historian, led one of the AIA convention tours; his focused on the development and architectural richness of the Wissahickon/St. Martin’s neighborhood in Chestnut Hill. After the excellent tour, we spent additional time in this historic area, looking an amazing variety of homes. Here are just a few examples:

George explains the concept of a “twin,” two houses built together. George explained that these 1886 Queen Anne style twins—designed by brothers (though not twins!) G.W. & W.D. Hewitt–were typical of smaller houses developed in this area.

Lovely 1917 home designed by Edmund Gilchrist, showing Arts & Crafts influences.

Vanna Venturi house, designed by Robert Venturi, 1962-64.

Esherick House designed by Louis Kahn, 1961.

Houston-Sauveur House. This 1885 home is a fine example of a Queen Anne Shingle style. Below is a detail of the “spider” window.

1885 “spider” window.

A stately colonial house designed by Charles Barton Keen, 1913.

What style do you think this is?

Mid-century modern homes were built on the grounds of a demolished mansion. Do the Jetsons live here?

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