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  • Ellen Mirro

Stewardship Architects and Preservation & Historic Resources Consulting

Here at the Johnson Partnership, not only do we practice architecture, designing both new homes and remodels, we also use our knowledge to consult with clients on buildings that may have Historic significance. We sometimes act as the Stewardship, or Preservation Architects for Landmarked buildings, buildings in Landmark districts, or where the value the of the historic character of a building is significant. Services we provide range from designing a remodel for a Landmarked building and getting the design approved by the Seattle Landmarks Board, to creating a 3-D Building Information Model (BIM) to facilitate upgrading older plumbing and electrical systems with the least disturbance to historic finishes. Check out our Stewardship portfolio for more information on these projects.

Our Historic Resources Consulting Services are also broad based. We write reports for Landmark Nominations at the National, State, and Local levels. We write reports for Federal NHPA Section 106 compliance and other NEPA and SEPA evaluations. We do documentation of Historic buildings for State Archives. We can provide support for Federal tax credits, or write a Historic Structures Report describing the physical characteristics, historical significance, and recommendations for future action for a historic building.

One of the most interesting types of consulting we have been doing lately is working with a project team, including the project manager and building architect, to recommend the best way to retrofit buildings for decreased energy consumption from historic preservation perspective. This has included advising the University of Washington on best practices of adding insulation on their Magnusen Health Sciences Center to minimize the impact of thicker rooflines on Mid-Century Modern buildings, and detailing increased insulation at parapet walls.

It feels great that we can use our specialized knowledge of Historic Preservation to help retrofit older buildings for improved energy performance. It really fits in with our firm values to preserve not only the best parts of our built environment, but preserve our natural environment by helping buildings use less energy.

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